St C’s at SEVEN

Before the pandemic (when it was at 6pm rather than 7pm) this happened monthly and we are slowly rebuilding the frequency. It has taken a variety of forms – from Taize worship to a prayer walk, from worship in our garden to reflecting on works of art, from a beautiful evensong to contemplative prayer.  We follow it with refreshments of one kind or another.

Some previous services….

Mark 1: 1-35
a musical reflection by John Longley

a Christian celebration of this ancient Jewish feast

Spiritual ceilidh
Bring and share a piece of music, art, writing or a prayer which is meaningful to you (maybe something of your own creation)

Images of the Spirit
how do these biblical images speak to us?

Labyrinth and Song
meditative walking and music

Prayer in the season of Lent
a chance to explore ways and means

Ruth’s story

Big Sing
Bring your favourite hymn or song

Island of Peace
a liturgy inspired by the Iona Community

Wild Church
connecting with God through nature